Saturday, May 19, 2018

Iggy Azalea Gets Naked To Save Her Career

Iggy Azalea naked topless

Rapper Iggy Azalea shows her nude titties in the topless photo above, and films herself while taking a whore’s bath in the video clip below.

Clearly these nude displays are a desperate attempt by Iggy to try and save her rapidly dwindling music career. For despite having spent 20 million dollars on plastic surgery over the past year to try and fix her horrendously busted appearance, Iggy is still fading into obscurity as white mudshark skanks have fallen out of style.


Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea
Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea

Yes Iggy is going to learning the hard way that the degenerate appetites of the hopelessly depraved infidel masses are fickle, and her albino she-boon act has lost its appeal and no amount of slutty photos is going to change that.

In fact, at this point the best outcome Iggy can hope for is for some nig nog rapper or basketball player to be so overcome by the sight of her bulbous bouncing backside that they make the mistake of knocking her up.

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